Once upon a time I was with a girl who loved Postsecret as much as I did, and we often wondered if we'd recognise each other's secrets in Postcard form. I'm not really sure whether I see my scars as a sign that I survived, or a sign that I almost didn't; but I can remember what caused certain ones. Why I did that. What made me feel that bad. And I remember the night I showed her my scars, we talked about what they all meant for me and why I'd done them in the first place. We talked them all through. I still remember the 'Fuck' she exclaimed when I showed her the three scars on my thigh. 'Where the tiger got me'. Analogies. Euphamisms. Like back in 2007 when I was in hospital and the little girl in the bed opposite me asked me what had happened to my arm, and her mother jumped in and said 'She was juggling a goldfish bowl, just like Uncle Matt'. I always thought that was a very beautiful way of putting it. But the little girl accepted it and carried on and I thanked her mother for what she'd said, because I didn't know how to reply to such an innocent little person. Anyway. The comment underneath this secret, I always liked to think it was from the girl I was brave enough to show my scars to. Sometimes I wonder whether it actually was.
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