Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Snowy Thoughts
Back On Track
Friday, 19 November 2010
Then I'll Know
Yesterday's Words
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
This Time Last Year 17/11/10
Forgive Me
I have been such a fool. I'm not playing this game anymore. I hate myself and I'm not doing it anymore. It only causes trouble. I'm not up to this. I can't do it anymore. I don't know how I ever thought it could happen. I was so wrong to compare it to Soph. It's not the same at all one bit. I didn't know Sarah. But I do know your Sarah. And I'm such an idiot. My mind is fucked. So, so fucked up. Why did I think it might just work? I have had a huge internal fight with myself to come to this decision, but it's not going to happen. I will stop looking at you, even if it hurts me. Every time I think of you I will punish myself because it's so unthinkably wrong. I am twisted. Dark and twisty and screwed up. I need to stop this now, I should have listened to the people who told me to stop. It only hurts me, and I'm sure it hurts you too. I won't hold your hand anymore, or text you, or think about you. I'm going to find other people to live with next year, and do my best to cut you out of my life. It's for the best. It's going to hurt trying to stop. It's really going to cut deep. 'It's better, better than music, better than words to be with you, but better that we're apart. Can't you feel it? It's taken me over, it's left me for dead like Ophelia'. I don't know what the hell was going on in my head when I allowed myself to think for even a second that something might come of this. I've been crying and writing, beating myself up, growing increasingly angry at myself for letting the few moments we've had take over my thoughts. And I wish it could happen. But it really, really can't. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I was meant to see you tomorrow at the meeting. I'm really considering not turning up, not answering anybody's phone calls or texts asking where I am. I've deleted comments on facebook, removed myself from pictures, pretended nothing ever happened. It didn't. Nothing ever happened. And nothing ever will happen. I'll be alone forever, but it will be for the best. I thought about cutting everyone out of my life, and I haven't cast that thought aside, I may just go through with it. Pretend I never met you, never met your girlfriend and never met your immature friend who drives me up the wall. You aren't my friends anymore. You never existed to me. Figments of my imagination, purely. My imagination runs away with me sometimes, and I wish it didn't. I can't believe I invented this whole situation. I'll keep telling myself I did until I believe it from the bottom of my heart. My heart will ache, my body will stiffen, I'll remain untouched and unspoken about, and unspoken to, until I fade away. Until it emerges that I never existed. I was never here, you never knew me. I know you'll forget me quickly. What was I to you? One quick kiss, a bit of fun for one night. It doesn't excuse the fact that you cheated on her. I was the mistress for one insignificant moment. But no more. I am nothing. I was never here. You never knew me. I don't exist. But if you do remember, think about it one day, wonder where I went and why, just know that I am so sorry. If I thought I could be just your friend I'd beg for your forgiveness. I do want that, but it can't happen. So I say forgive me, just in case you ever stumble upon these words and realise who the writer was. But I don't need your forgiveness if I'm to just fade away. I don't need anything. I definitely do not need you. But regardless of forgiveness, I'm sorry. Please know that. For once in my life, I am sincerely sorry. Hate me if you want, if anything that will make it easier. Just know that I'm ashamed, broken, burned and crumbling away with the sheer force of these three words. I'm so sorry.
Monday, 15 November 2010
One Month
Blog Of The Week - 15/11/10

Postsecret 14/11/10

Sunday, 14 November 2010
A Parallel Universe
I think, somehow, my body must have split into two separate parts, and entered parallel universes. One, the real world, the world we live and breathe in every day. The other, a world of partying, a world that we only exist in in an intoxicated state. It wasn’t a date, I never meant to refer to it as a date, it was just another example of my parallel universe. I definitely prefer that universe. If I could be there all the time I would, it's simpler. There's far less to worry about. I'm not saying that I'd like to be intoxicated all the time, I'd just like to live in the world where the things happen that happen when I'm intoxicated. If that makes sense. Last night. There was no defining kiss, nothing that stood out. But there were those moments again, not as intense but they were definitely there. Just glances, and long lingering looks that I shouldn't have maintained but neither should she. I don't love the fact that the parallel universe only happens every once in a while. If there was anything to progress, it progresses so slowly this way. So I want to live in the intoxicated world where I could look at you that way all the time and it might turn into something. But where I really live is the real world. Things don't happen in the real world - well if they do, they are extremely rare. I had it two years ago. Maybe I missed my only chance. It started properly on December 7th, and continued into February. So I'm giving you until the 7th of December. And if you can't bring the things from the favourable universe into this one, I'm giving up. I can't wait forever, and I know you have things you need to stick to. So. Let me know, in your own special way. May it be another kiss. May it be touching hands again. May it be your hands all over me. May it be more. Whatever, just let me know. Because if it stays this way, where only dreams of the perfect can exist in this world, if it stays with two separate relationships in separate universes, if it stays the same, I don't know what I'll do. I haven't even known you that long. I don't even know if I can be your friend. But I so want to, it's ridiculous how well we get on, and how we both want the same things and have the same embarrassing taste in women. How can two people exist that are effectively the same soul in two different bodies, with nothing happening. It may even be the case that it's too similar to qualify for friendship. I don't know. So you have until the 7th of December to prove something to me. And if you can't, I will try to be your friend. It's probably healthier that way, but if I can't, don't blame me, okay? You should never have told me what you did. It made everything so bloody complicated. And as exciting as the looks in the parallel universe are, I'm not sure they're enough to keep me going for much longer than I'm giving you. So think of it what you will, not that you will ever know, a finish line, a barrier to scale, whatever you like. I'd like to say I'm giving you an out, but there's nothing to run from yet. So I'm giving you an in. Shift it all from that universe to this. And make me smile. And do that stupid smile of mine that I've missed. "Someone make me do that stupid happy noise again? It's so funny and I love it."
Saturday, 13 November 2010
Come Fly With Me
Friday, 12 November 2010
Things I Can't Have
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Gigs & Desires
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Suicide On A Spring Morning
The world was just waking up, dawn was casting light and long shadows over the dew-ridden grass. In the deserted playground a breeze brought faint hopes of life to the swings; they rocked hesitantly, creaking. The wind whipped up and a child’s glove raced across the tarmac, dancing to a near silent beat. The roundabout and climbing frame cast long dark shadows, but none darker or more elongated than that of the dead body hanging from the helter-skelter. Tied up with thick rope, thirty feet in the air, it too swayed gracefully in the bitter wind of the April morning.
I glanced down at my own shadow, blackening the grass, and that of my dog, who too had stopped in his tracks. It can’t have been later than half past five, but I had no means of checking. I never usually walked my dog at this hour, in fact I was never usually awake at this time. But right now my eyes were wide open; I’d come especially to see if he’d gone through with it. He had, he’d succeeded if the lifeless corpse before me was anything to go by. I was the only one left, and I’d be gone by the end of the week. I slipped a frozen hand into my pocket and let countless pills run through my fingers like grains of sand. Watching him there, dead before my eyes only made me more certain of my plan. After Elyssa and Shay had given up the battle just two weeks ago, he’d been the only one left for me to turn to. And now he’d joined them.
I’d spoken to him the night before, he’d seemed distressed, a feeling I knew all too well, and he bore a hopeless tone of voice that I recognised from my last meeting with Elyssa. I wished I’d been able to help him, but he was beyond repair, and the fight in me had drained out so profusely that I couldn’t even try. He’d told me through tears that he had written me a letter; last night just after ten, his final words to me; a suicide note laced with explanation and perhaps even an apology. But I was too afraid to approach him, to scale the helter-skelter, to stare into his drained grey face with lips bluer than an ocean and fumble around in a dead man’s pocket.
Fighting back the tears I decided in that moment that tonight would be the night. I knew I had enough to finish it. My palms were growing sweaty with my fingers clasped tightly around a fistful of tablets. They weighed one side of my coat down morbidly. I wondered how long it would take for my heart to cease beating. Too long I presumed. I wondered how long it would be before he was discovered; not long surely. The other early morning dog walkers would be out soon, along with eager children yearning for two minutes to play on the swings before school. The reality was that those two minutes would probably haunt them for all eternity.
Looking up at his body for the last time, I wondered if he and I would make the news as Shay and Elyssa had done. I wasn’t sure… teen suicide; they’ve heard it all a hundred times before. It’s repetitive, uninteresting. Tragic, but inevitable. But the tragedy was wearing off on me. I’d seen too much, I knew too much, I’d lost too much to be hurt like I should have been. He’d been dead for a long time though, it was only now that his body had caught up with his soul. That had pained me more, watching him waste away, it was almost like he was being buried alive. But now he was at rest, and I’d be with him soon. That was as comforting as it could have been, given the situation. My soul mate was gone, and all I had left was sorrow.
A dog barked somewhere in the distance, prompting mine to follow suit, and with that I left the scene. My dog and my shadow followed close behind, closer than I felt comfortable with. I quickened my pace, petrified of being caught there, but desperate to while away my last few hours. The sun was peeking over the treetops, painting pinks and oranges into the duck-egg blue canvas. The last sunrise I’d ever see, and it was remarkably beautiful, hindered only slightly by his silhouette in the foreground.
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
This Time Last Year 9/11/10
So this is my new thing for Tuesdays, called This Time Last Year. Each week I'll look back into my iPod diaries from last year, and give you a paragraph of my words, thoughts and feelings from a year ago. So here is an extract from 11th November 2009:
'Fed up. Fed up of my job. And having to always work with the perv. Aghh. Tearing my hair out. However sexy alex told me to add her on facebook :) ha. Poppy day today.. And my great grandad was 100 the other day, wahey. We had a little party which was nice. Gotta print out the pictures tonight, erm, yeah. I'm tired and I don't want to work, this job is long. Listening to Lily Allen and having a party in my head. Gonna pop some up later and take myself out of it all slightly. Gahhhhh.'
Firstly I really don't know what 'popping some up later' means?! It's nothing to do with drugs, so, I'm confused. Okay I think I've just figured it out. I think it means pop some lyrics up on my door. (I write lyrics on my door) And these ones would be Lily Allen ones, I think I remember doing that. So don't think badly of me!! :) And also the bits I wrote about my job... how funny. This was when I really wanted to quit my job but when I tried, they promoted me instead!
Monday, 8 November 2010
A Year's Worth Of Thoughts And Feelings
Blog Of The Week! 8/11/10

Postsecret 7/11/10

Sunday, 7 November 2010
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Thursday, 4 November 2010
The Waiting Game
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Too High
I'm buying the tickets tomorrow. We're going to see Heather Peace. And lust over her together. I just went outside and walked around in the high winds, grinning like an absolute idiot. I shouldn't be so happy about it. You changed your profile picture to a picture that I took. That also made me smile. I'm reading so far into the situation that I'd blind myself if I looked at it all any harder. I still wonder if you even remember, but I think you must. This is the most I've texted anybody, in, I can't remember how long. Perhaps as long as two years ago. I shouldn't be linking the two things as much. They're just so similar. I can't wait til 28th November. It will be amazing. I hope you know I'm only buying two tickets. I think you know. Mkay. I need to stop thinking right now. Turn off this overactive brain. Where the hell's the bloody off switch?!
Monday, 1 November 2010
Will I know?
The Things I Miss
Stop Thinking
Paranormal Activity
Blog Of The Week - 1/11/10