It's that time of week again.. Sunday equals Postsecret day.
Click here to check out this week's secrets. Once again I'm a bit late, I've only just looked at them, but my secret was really easy to pick out this week.

As you may or may not already know, I am obsessed with Grey's Anatomy. In fact I have the poster of the picture on this postcard in my room. I am completely guilty of using Grey's quotes as my own. I haven't done it so much recently, but this has been my secret since about January 2007, when I first started watching the show. They are ridiculously clever, and there is always a quote that's appropriate for any situation that you might find yourself in. I'm not sure whether anyone I've ever used a line from Grey's on has ever repeated it, but I've definitely never been caught out. It's probably because I know episodes off by heart, and I use obscure quotes. Once upon a time I tried to go a whole day using only Grey's Anatomy quotes, but I don't think I made it. I reckon if I really tried I could though. I wish I could write as cleverly as the writers of Grey's do. They are geniuses. 'The thing people forget is how good it can feel when you finally set secrets free. Whether good or bad, at least they're out in the open. And once your secrets are out in the open, you don't have to hide behind them anymore. The problem with secrets is even when you think you're in control, you're not.'

This is a secret from May 2005. I would say that this is almost my secret, as mine is very slightly different. My secret would be 'I pretend to listen to my ipod, but I'm actually eavesdropping on your conversation'. A lot of the time when I had my headphones in, if I heard a murmur of voices, I'd turn the volume right down, to see if the conversation was about anything interesting. If it was, I'd press the pause button, and listen intently to the conversation, and nobody knew I could hear. I heard a number of other people's secrets over the years by doing this. It did have it's drawbacks however, as now if I see someone with headphones in, I always wonder if they're actually listening to music, or if in fact they're listening to me.
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