Saturday 16 October 2010

About Me.

I've decided to construct a new 'About Me', since I haven't made one in years; I was going to build a new one for my Facebook a few months ago, but ended up just changing the age from 16 to 18. So let's go.

Catherine Franklin, 18, aspiring writer and generally creative person. I love writing just about anything; fiction, fiction based on my experiences, prose, poetry, reviews, short stories, longer stories, anything. Love my guitars, and my football boots. Shoes are amazing. High tops are just so beautiful. I need some Dr Martens in my life, so if you fancy buying me some, that would be amazing. I like to experiment with spelling, pronunciation, emphasis and rhyme, but never in any of the work I value; mainly just in everyday spoken language. Amezzin. I really like the word 'genius', it works just about anywhere. And the word 'undulating' has a pleasing sound to it.

I love Caesar dressing, Soy sauce, Chicken Chow Mein, Irn bru and Vimto. I watch Grey's Anatomy every night before I sleep, I can answer any question about the show. Geek. Fantastic memory. If I was on Mastermind, it would be my specialist subject. I adore beautiful music; Nerina Pallot in particular. I've seen her live nine times, make that ten in December. She is beyond indescribable. Imogen Heap, Regina Spektor, Ingrid Michaelson, Lisa Mitchell, Florence Welsh, Ellie Goulding... All lyrical geniuses.

Most of my favourite memories are in Lisbon or Dublin. Two of the finest capitals I've visited, I wouldn't mind settling down in either of them. Lisbon is absolutely divine, and somehow even more wonderful by night. The most inspirational places I could ever imagine. And Dublin is full of the kindest, happiest, most helpful people on the planet. And one person in particular, a bouncer, took my breath away. The rest of my favourite memories are either in Devon, or in my home town of Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire. And the memories I'm making now, they're in Kingston-upon-Thames.

I'm at the University of Kingston studying... wait for it, English Language and Communication with Creative Writing. It's an experience to say the least. The people I've met are amazing; I'm happy to call them my new friends. Not to say that I've forgotten my old friends. They are amazing too, I love them to pieces. Socialising is one of my favourite activities, especially if it comes with a double vodka and cranberry or a cider or three.

I can't stand bad spelling; perfectionist. I live my life to a routine, but it doesn't bother me. As much as I like in-depth conversations, I love a good chat about practically nothing. Small talk. Gossip winds me up though. Most tend to call me Frankie; it's much easier. I get on with just about anyone, I think I'm quite easy to get to know. So try it :)

MahJong is the way forward, life is a party, rainbows, butterflies, BOOM.

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