Tuesday 12 April 2011

The Freedom Of The Mind

The freedom of the mind is a beautiful thing. Most of the time you can't say what you want to, unless you're alone. But sometimes even then your thoughts are too honest to be spoken out loud, to be thrust out into the real world. But inside your head, you can think whatever you like. You can think terrible things about the person sat next to you, and nobody will ever know. You have the power to destroy a whole manner of things, but you don't because nobody can hear what you say with the voice inside your mind. I don't use the freedom of my mind to its full extent because I tend to be quite a paranoid person. I think that since we are unaware of what so much of the brain is capable of doing, there must be the possibility that somewhere somebody has mastered mind-reading and would be able to hear my thoughts. And if somebody did develop that skill, the whole world as we know it would collapse. Think how much of everyday life relies on secrets. Bank details, computer passwords, shop till codes, business breakthroughs, things would totally fall apart. Relationships would end, families would split up, mind-reading could prove more fatal than nuclear bombs. I think I'll start using the freedom of my mind as much as possible before evolution gets the better of us.

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