Sunday 22 January 2012

Losing The Plot

Why can nothing ever be simple? Why does sexuality have to be such a massive thing that gets in the way and stops people from being happy? My world's practically falling apart around me and I thought she was the one to help me block it all out. I'm fed up of putting on this brave face now. I don't have the time to finish all my uni work. I don't have the focus since everything went completely wrong. All I want to do is watch Grey's Anatomy, listen to music, and see her. I wish it wasn't so complicated. She needs someone, someone to tell her that everything is going to be okay, but if I can't get close enough to tell her, if she can't let herself be happy, she never will be. It's not that she's not letting herself, it's more that the people around her are judging her every move. And it's not just her happiness I care about, it's mine as well. I know she could make me happy if things were easier. At the moment I need a hand to hold. Why can't it just be easy? I wish I could just make her realise that she needs to do what will make her happy and stop worrying about her friends and her family. They will love her regardless.

And if she doesn't realise, I won't get the chance to love her at all. Not requited love anyway.

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