Sunday 25 March 2012

Apologizing Uninformed

I don't want to become the person who apologizes for things she doesn't even know she's done. 'I'm sorry if I did something wrong.' How can you be sorry when you don't know what you've done? I suppose I said it because I'm sorry if I upset you, because I didn't mean to. You're very... eratic. I don't know where I stand with you, I don't know what annoys you yet, and what makes you smile. But you make me smile. I just want you here all the time but even though the other night went exactly how I wanted it to, I can't help but feel that I've upset you, and if I have, I'm sorry, because you know all I want is to make you happy. It's difficult this. Maybe I'm out of the swing of things but I don't remember it being this hard.

On another note, I have had a very productive day, writing wise. 600 word short story, done. 5 page radio play, done. Poem, done. Tomorrow I just have to sort out my 1,000 words of Dylan, just got to pick which part I'm going to submit and tighten it up a bit, then write another two poems and then I'll be up to speed. It was about time I started to do some work, I've been slacking this semester. But I don't feel so behind anymore, I feel like I've made a start and that's always the hardest bit.

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