Saturday 6 November 2010


Feeling quite a bit better now. Thought a lot about crumpets with marmite... Mmmm :) Going to have to buy some soon. And Lip Service is on, which always makes thing a bit better. I don't know what I'll do if she texts me tomorrow. I'm secretly hoping that she won't and that I can forget all about everything that happened. Nothing happened. There we go. But if she texts me, I'll have to think about it. I don't want to think about it. I am hungry. But there's no food. No food that's mine anyway. At least in my mini-fridge there are soya milkshakes. Not quite crumpets with marmite but they'll do. Marmite is an interesting analogy. You either love it or you hate it. Some people are like marmite. They either evoke a burning desire within you or they bring out a roaring irrational hatred that you cannot control. It's either one or the other, it can't be both, and it can't be anything else. I love marmite. Maybe that's why I tend to love more people than I hate. It's not the case however that I don't hate anyone. I have lots of issues with irrational hatred, sometimes it just burns up inside me and I can't control it and BANG, from that moment onwards I can't stand the person. I remember when that happened with my friend Jack. I couldn't stand him, I couldn't be near him, I couldn't listen to his voice or the things he said because everything just drove me up the wall. In the end it just faded away, I got over it and we pretty much went back to how it was before the irrational hatred struck me like lightening. It just happens sometimes, I can't do anything about it. It's happened at uni with a guy who I shall refer to as RJG. Agh. I'm not even going to write about it because he's just so annoying. I think people can get irrational hatred with me too, I think I'm a marmite person. You either love me, or you hate me. Unfortunately I'd say the latter was more common, but I don't know. Anyway. I really really really want crumpets with marmite now. Anyway, I should stop now, because I've written and looked at the word marmite so much that it doesn't even look like a word anymore. Goodnight.

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