Sunday 14 November 2010

A Parallel Universe

I think, somehow, my body must have split into two separate parts, and entered parallel universes. One, the real world, the world we live and breathe in every day. The other, a world of partying, a world that we only exist in in an intoxicated state. It wasn’t a date, I never meant to refer to it as a date, it was just another example of my parallel universe. I definitely prefer that universe. If I could be there all the time I would, it's simpler. There's far less to worry about. I'm not saying that I'd like to be intoxicated all the time, I'd just like to live in the world where the things happen that happen when I'm intoxicated. If that makes sense. Last night. There was no defining kiss, nothing that stood out. But there were those moments again, not as intense but they were definitely there. Just glances, and long lingering looks that I shouldn't have maintained but neither should she. I don't love the fact that the parallel universe only happens every once in a while. If there was anything to progress, it progresses so slowly this way. So I want to live in the intoxicated world where I could look at you that way all the time and it might turn into something. But where I really live is the real world. Things don't happen in the real world - well if they do, they are extremely rare. I had it two years ago. Maybe I missed my only chance. It started properly on December 7th, and continued into February. So I'm giving you until the 7th of December. And if you can't bring the things from the favourable universe into this one, I'm giving up. I can't wait forever, and I know you have things you need to stick to. So. Let me know, in your own special way. May it be another kiss. May it be touching hands again. May it be your hands all over me. May it be more. Whatever, just let me know. Because if it stays this way, where only dreams of the perfect can exist in this world, if it stays with two separate relationships in separate universes, if it stays the same, I don't know what I'll do. I haven't even known you that long. I don't even know if I can be your friend. But I so want to, it's ridiculous how well we get on, and how we both want the same things and have the same embarrassing taste in women. How can two people exist that are effectively the same soul in two different bodies, with nothing happening. It may even be the case that it's too similar to qualify for friendship. I don't know. So you have until the 7th of December to prove something to me. And if you can't, I will try to be your friend. It's probably healthier that way, but if I can't, don't blame me, okay? You should never have told me what you did. It made everything so bloody complicated. And as exciting as the looks in the parallel universe are, I'm not sure they're enough to keep me going for much longer than I'm giving you. So think of it what you will, not that you will ever know, a finish line, a barrier to scale, whatever you like. I'd like to say I'm giving you an out, but there's nothing to run from yet. So I'm giving you an in. Shift it all from that universe to this. And make me smile. And do that stupid smile of mine that I've missed. "Someone make me do that stupid happy noise again? It's so funny and I love it."

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