Tuesday 30 November 2010

Snowy Thoughts

I walked home in the snow and thought about a lot of things. I should never have fallen for you. It makes everything so complicated, and it's so hard to look at you and not thing of you in that way., I know you're just my friend and nothing more, but one day I'll ask you about what you said that time, whether you meant it or not. I don't see why you'd lie. You said today you'd never cheated, but you were in front of her. It's always different when she's not there with listening ears. I like making footprints in the snow, and I might just have written your initials in it. I'm so childish somethings, but it's always the little things. And now I'm here, listening to the song beneath the song, there's always meaning behind everything. So many song shad meaning to me on my way back tonight. I felt like crying but the tears never came. It's getting to that horrible time of year again, and the ice on the roads just makes me think about it more. It'll break me if something tragic happens again. Tomorrow is the day of the accident, and the day after is a year since Jordan died. I better whip out the waterproof mascara, because there's going to be some serious crying happening. I genuinely cannot believe it's been a year. I'm going back on Thursday to see everyone and celebrate Jordan's life. I really fucking miss her. It's not fair. But on the brighter side, you just sent me what I think is my favourite text you've ever sent me. You said you can't wait til we live together. And to be perfectly honest, neither can I.

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