Monday 1 November 2010

Paranormal Activity

I'm going to the cinema on Saturday when I get back to Kingston, to see Paranormal Activity 2. Since I hadn't seen the first one, I set this evening aside to watch it. Oh my god. I was so, so scared. Jenny told me not to watch it alone, but I didn't think it would be that bad :| I'm going to have some serious nightmares now. So scared. The worst parts are the night scenes, and they got worse and worse as the film went on. I knew it wasn't going to be good from about two minutes in when I was already scared. Luckily on Saturday I'll have someone's hand to hold when I watch the sequel. I hope it's good. And I was going to say I hope it's not scary. But actually I hope it's really scary so there's an excuse to hold hands and have an arm around me maybe. Maybe that's asking too much, but I'm just saying, it'd be nice. What would be great would be if I could completely erase everything from my head and start again, a blank canvas. I feel like I have so many thoughts crowding my head, that new ones are hard to come by. All I know is I need to stop thinking about some things, and start thinking about more important things. I need to get my priorities right.

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